Waterfall in the Grand Canyon


ADDitude, a digital magazine that provides information on topics related to ADHD.  The site provides online information about childhood and adult ADHD, for individuals, parents and professionals, including articles, access to webinars, resources, and general information about ADHD symptoms and treatment.  

Dr Robert Brooks, website that addresses the impact of social emotional learning on success in school and life. Dr. Brooks focuses on themes of resilience, motivation, school climate, a positive work environment, and family relationships. He is a great proponent of building resilience in children – a life skill that serves them through the lifespan. Sign up for his monthly newsletter here: Newsletter Signup - Dr Robert Brooks.  He also has written several books; find his titles here: Books - Dr Robert Brooks

Kenneth Ginsburg, MD, MS Ed, Dr. Ginsburg is a pediatrician specializing in Adolescent Medicine at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, and Co-Founder and Director of Programs at Center for Parent and Teen Communication. You can find his books here: Building Resilience in Children and Teens

The Dyslexic Advantage (Revised and Updated): Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain, by Brock L. Eide, M.D., M.A. and Fernette F. Eide, M.D.  See also their website, https://www.dyslexicadvantage.org/ and monthly newsletter, available at Dyslexic Advantage Newsletter.

The True Gifts of a Dyslexic Mind | Dean Bragonier | TEDxMarthasVineyard